Take Back Your Freedom: 5 Steps to Abolishing Mom or Dad Guilt

Take Back Your Freedom: 5 Steps to Abolishing Mom or Dad Guilt

I’ve never met a mother who doesn’t battle with mom guilt.  It seems less common for fathers; however, I also know many fathers who are influenced by guilt.  Lately, my husband, Peter, and I have been forced to come to grips with exactly how many of our daily parenting choices are governed by mom/dad guilt….

How to Have a Real Food Easter
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How to Have a Real Food Easter

It is possible to have an Easter celebration that doesn’t include loads of sugary candy and chocolate. . . and still have your kids love it! Here’s a quick glimpse into our family’s Easter celebration this year. affiliate disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. See my full affiliate disclosure for more information. The first step to satisfying the…

60 Minutes to Daily Self-Care
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60 Minutes to Daily Self-Care

Most parents struggle to prioritize self-care. This can be especially challenging for mothers. But the irony of self-care is that it actually makes you a better parent; it directly fuels your capacity for patience, endurance, and compassion–all of which active parenting can consume at a rapid rate! It has been very hard for me to…

The Voice of Depression

The Voice of Depression

We’ve all heard it.  That thin, creeping tone growing louder until you can hear nothing else.  That small, insidious whisper that tells you exactly how worthless you are. Sometimes it begins as anger, bombastic and self-righteous, flaunting its sense of injustice, slinging blame at everyone and everything else.  After the anger is spent, the voice…