take back your health
take control of your life
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We are giving birth in a world where we don’t trust ourselves and we can’t trust authority. Our confidence in ourselves and our responsibility as parents have been taken from us by slow degrees.
I say we take it back.
why informed consent & consumption matter
In the age of information and “misinformation,” it can be overwhelming to try and sift through the conflicting opinions, advice, and science in our quest to make the best decisions for our children. As parents, we have to become overnight experts in birth, nutrition, health, and education, and it can feel impossible to know where to begin.
My 101 Series empowers parents to inform themselves prior to making decisions that can have lifelong consequences. Nothing in this world matters more than free will. Your journey to reclaim your freedom is just a click away.

I’m Caroline.
I’m a wife and homeschooling mother of four with a background in teaching, writing, research, nutrition, and ethics. I’m a certified health coach, a natural birth instructor, and a La Leche League leader. I’m passionate about informed consent and patient advocacy. I hope to empower parents to take back health, fertility, pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, nutrition, and education for themselves and their children.
take back your health series
take back your health 5-day challenge
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I believe that parenting is the hardest thing most of us will ever do.
I’m here to help.
Are you looking to improve your family’s nutrition, deep-dive about informed consent & consumption, or explore your mental health as a parent?

Are you sick of feeling sick? Done with feeling like a victim? Get ready to take back your health with my free 5-day challenge.

From activating agency to real-food recipes, mental health, and parenting tips, you’ll find fresh and practical resources on the blog.

Informed consent & consumption serve to anchor us in a confusing world. Use my 101 series to empower yourself with information.
Nothing in this world matters more than free will.
latest from the blog

Grandpa Journal Printable
I created this printable journal for Christmas gifts for both our kids grandpas, but it makes a perfect birthday or Father’s Day gift as well! It’s designed to be interactive, requesting the child to interview the grandpa for answers ahead of time. Then the child is asked to engage creatively with Grandpa’s answers. The journal…

Bacon-Wrapped Dates Stuffed with Chevre
This is my go-to appetizer for Christmas parties, baby showers, or even dinner parties. It’s not difficult, but it is time-consuming. For me, the quality of the ingredients and the taste are worth it. Plus, it can be made ahead of time and freezes/defrosts well. affiliate disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. See my full affiliate disclosure for…

Postpartum Stretching Routine (with baby!)
I gave birth to my third daughter this past December, and she is the very embodiment of joy. She has brought so much hope and light into my life and the lives of our new little family, and I focus every day on how grateful I am that this amazing little person came to spend…

Apricot Cream Custard
During the warmer months, I always want fruit and cream based desserts. Old-fashioned egg custard gives me the ability to make beautiful, fruit-focused desserts balanced with plenty of fat and protein. This recipe is beautiful, simple, nutritious, and our kids are thrilled every time I make it. This summer, I found some beautiful ripe and…

8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Health Today
The journey to take back your health can be as simple or as complex as you make it. There are many easy habits that you can incorporate into your daily routine to improve your health, none of which require a steep learning curve or a high upfront investment. Here are 8 actionable steps you can…

Coconut Chia Pudding
This super-simple recipe is a favorite in our home and something that we make regularly and serve for snack or dessert. The small amount of coconut sugar is balanced by the coconut fat, and the chia seeds absorb the coconut milk overnight, unlocking the nutrients in the seeds and lending a wonderful, creamy texture to…